On September 7, 1963, the Right Reverend Walter W. Curtis, Bishop of Bridgeport, founded St. Bridget Church and named the Reverend Thomas P. Guinan its first pastor. The families of this new parish worshipped in a neighboring chapel and school until construction of the new church was complete. The dedication of St. Bridget’s Chapel-Auditorium-School took place on June 25, 1965.
The Reverend William A. Nagel (1967-1972) and Reverend John Jazowski (1972-1997) succeeded Rev. Guinan as pastors of the church. In order to provide parochial education for its children, the growing parish supported St. Bridget School for nearly 15 years until 1979 when we became part of the Stamford Catholic Regional School System.
After many years of worshiping in the Chapel-Auditorium, the parish undertook the monumental task of renovating the Church. Under the leadership of Rev. Jazowski, the present structure was built.
When Rev. Jazowski retired in 1997, Reverend Gill C. Babeu was assigned to St. Bridget’s as pastor. Under his direction the church continued to evolve and grow. We have built beautiful shrines on our property; one to the Blessed Mother and the other in honor of Padre Pio. Father Gill retired in November 2012.
Father Edward J. McAuley Jr. was appointed as Parish Administrator in November of 2012 and then assigned and installed as our pastor in February of 2014 and retired in May of 2022.
Father James Bates has been appointed as our pastor as of May 1, 2022.
Today the parish is almost 700 families strong. It has an excellent religious education program currently serving 120 families. Our Ladies Guild and Parish Council sponsor many special events throughout the year.
Now we welcome you as part of our future