We are constantly in need of new volunteers. Training is provided at your convenience. For more information or to volunteer please call the rectory office at (203) 324-2910 or email bridgetct@aol.com.
The three-year cycle of readings used in the liturgy leads us on a journey of faith. Lectors are our storytellers on this journey, proclaiming the scriptures in a way that reminds us that God's word is alive here and now. In leading the general intercessions, lectors remind us of our connections to local and global communities and help us pray for those in need.
When proclaiming the scriptures in the assembly, lectors bring alive the ever-living word of God. The lectors minister the presence of God who speaks when the scriptures are proclaimed in church. Lectors help to feed the assembly from the table of the word, just as Eucharistic ministers help to feed the assembly from the table of the Eucharist.
Altar Servers
The servers are responsible for supporting the Priest and Eucharistic Ministers in making the liturgy flow smoothly. They carry various sacred objects and lead processions, contributing to a reverent and prayerful atmosphere for liturgy.
Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic ministers demonstrate that the liturgy belongs to the community as they facilitate the distribution of the body and blood of Christ.
Eucharistic ministers are graced with the privilege of sharing Christ's body and blood with others. They recognize Christ in the faces of all who approach. They are privileged to proclaim each person as a member of the mystical body of Christ by saying the words "the Body of Christ" and "the Blood of Christ." Eucharistic ministers profess the faith of the church and ask for affirmation in the communicants' "amen."
Ministry of Hospitality
We are currently seeking men and women to join our ministry of hospitality, also known as ushers. The ministry of ushers and greeters extends Christ’s love, warmth and hospitality to visitors and parishioners arriving for Mass. Ushers also assist with seating and facilitate the collection and Communion aspects of the Mass, finally they hand out bulletins at the end of Mass.
We are blessed to have a very dedicated group currently active in this ministry but more are needed. If you would like to join this ministry please contact our office at (203) 324-2910 or speak to one of the other ushers after Mass.